How to Archive Projects

Starting with the Team cloud, you can archive a finished or deferred project, so that they no longer appear in the list of all projects and you can focus on active tasks. At the same time, all included tasks are locked for editing. This means no later adjustments can be made.

As soon as you change a project to “done” or “deferred”, an automatic request appears asking whether the project should be archived. Alternatively you can archive projects via the three-dot menu.

Bildschirm­foto-2022-11-25-um-11_03_03-1 Archive the project via the selection menu

Every staff member with editing rights can archive projects via the three-dot menu, if it has previously been assigned the status “done” or “deferred”.

In the Basic cloud you can filter your projects by status and so, for example, display all finished or active projects. You can then save this view as a favorite.