1. factro Manual
  2. Cloud Management

How can I expand the storage space in factro?

Depending on your tariff, you already have available storage space in factro:

  • Basic Cloud: 500 MB
  • Team Cloud: 500 MB
  • Business Cloud: 1 GB
  • Professional Cloud: 2 GB

To expand the storage space, go to your Cloud management. Under "Verwaltung" (Administration) you can view your contract details and also expand the storage space under "Speicherplatz anpassen" (Modify storage space). 

A screenshot of the contract details in the cloud management

You can simply select the storage space you need and then click on "Jetzt buchen" (Book now).

A screenshot of the factro booking maskA pop-up will appear where you can confirm the upgrade. Click on "Jetzt kostenpflichtig" (Book now for a fee) to complete the storage space upgrade.