How to Filter, Sort and Group Tasks

To configure individual views in factro, you can choose between three factro functions: filter, field list and groups.

A screenshot of the factro filter functions to individualize the table viewVia the function menu in the upper right corner you can access filters, groups and the field list

Filter Tasks

The filter function will help you to pick out the data you really need and to filter out those you do not need. It also works as a search function, provided you search for "Title/Number".

With the factro filter, you can – for example – filter your cross-project task list (starting with the Business Cloud) by company and its corresponding projects. This way, you can see directly which tasks are assigned to specific projects and are to be executed for a specific company.

A screenshot of the filtered task viewOf course, you can also filter project views such as the Work Breakdown Structure or the Gantt chart to see the relevant information displayed graphically. The filter works under an "Or"-condition, meaning that if you filter for two different tags, tasks with both or only one of the tags will be displayed.

Sort Tasks

The sort function helps you arrange the filtered data according to your idea. You can sort tasks via the "field list" function in factro, which you will find after clicking on the settings wheel.

You can add additional columns like "No.", "Title" or "Planned-", "Actual-" and "Remaining Effort", or remove the columns you do not need. You can also use the "Show footer" option to display totals, such as the number of tasks or all efforts in your view. If you want to change the order, simply use the drag&drop function.

Afterwards, you can sort the data by clicking on ascending or descending order of the individual table columns, e.g. ascending by number or title. Via the lock, you can fix the grid so you can't change the order accidentally. Clicking on the lock again unlocks the fixation.

Sorting tasks in factro Sort tasks in factro

Group Tasks

You can use the "Groups" function if you want to arrange your filtered and sorted list or project view according to criteria that are useful to you. You can sort them by projects or task packages, for example, to gain a structured overview of your chosen tasks.

A screenshot of the grouped task viewGroup tasks in factro