How to Configure Notifications

To configure your individual notification system, first choose the notification channels you want to use as your information source. You can chose between push, in-app and email notifications. For getting started factro keeps a preselection at hand, so that you can start right away without missing any important events.

Notifications in the Newsfeed and the Alarm Bell

Notifications within factro (in-app) will be displayed in two spots: In the Newsfeed and in the alarm bell. To access the notification settings, click on the gearwheel icon in one of the areas.

Configuring the Newsfeed

The notification settings in the newsfeed can be accssed directly via this link. There, you can configure what you want to be notified about by ticking off your preferred channels (in-app, push, email) and events.

How to configure notifications in the Newsfeed How to configure notifications in the Newsfeed

Configuring the Alarm Bell

The alarm bell shows you critical and important notifications, so can keep an eye on them. Such important notifications are @mentions, time-critical tasks that have reached the traffic light status yellow or red, as well as too little remaining efforts.

How to configure the alarm bell How to configure the alarm bell

Push Notifications via Mobile App

In-app notifications can be accessed via the newsfeed and the button in the mobile app. Push notifications inform you in real time on your smartphone or tablet, even if factro is not open at the moment. This way, you can see who has mentioned you, and what the contents of the message are.

Notifications via Email

Via the column "email", you choose the events you want to be notified about the same way you do with push and in-app notifications. The notifications will be send to the email you use for your factro account. You can recognize the mail by the subject line, which contains the event that triggered the notification as well as the sender (

Two smartphones showing the push and email notifications of factro Examples for push and email notifications

Please note: To receive push notifications, it is necessary to give the factro app the necessary permissions. For Android devices, this is usually the case by default. iPhone and iPad devices ask for the permission when the app is used for the first time. You can later change the permissions in the settings under the menu items "factro" and "Notifications".