1. factro Manual
  2. Cloud Management

What Is a factro Cloud?

factro differentiates between “Clouds” and “Accounts”:

  • A factro cloud is an autonomous, cohesive area in which multiple accounts can work together on projects and tasks. A factro cloud has a tariff (Basic, Team, Business or Professional) with a certain amount of licenses.
  • A factro account is a user's personal account, characterized by a registered email address as username and a self-selected password. An account can create factro clouds or be invited into a cloud by a third party, but has no content itself.

In the simplest case, a factro account the owner of its own factro cloud or an invited employee in one.

However, multiple memberships are also possible

    • through ownership of several clouds


  • by inviting the account to several third-party clouds.

In this case, the account can switch between these clouds work in them by logging in once, without the clouds being mixed with each other. Rights for the account apply as set up in the respective cloud.