Which Permission Groups are Available in the User Administration?

In the Basic Cloud you can assign the permission groups Admin and Guest to your employees. Starting from the Team Cloud, the user management offers 4 factro permission groups you can choose from. You can access the user administration via this link.

What are the rights of each group permission?

  Admin Manager Employee* Guest (free)**
Projects read read
Tasks comment, add attachements, complee tasks, change status, tick off subtasks
Calendar/Time tracking  
Customer Management invite read  
Workload Overview   read  
Cloud Management      

*Employees have no responsibility/editing rights for projects and packages
**Guests have no responsibility/editing rights for projects, packages and tasks


The admin is in charge of administration and corresponding tasks and allocation of rights. They can add, edit, delete and export new elements in any section of the application, i.e. they can create new tasks and projects, invite new users and assign permissions to new users. Moreover, they have insight into the work times and controlling.

Please note: Even users who act as admin in factro admin do not automatically see everything that is created in the cloud. The group permissions are independent of the reading and editing rights to be individually assigned.


The manager is the project or department manager. This means, they can create and coordinate projects, but not manage projects.


The employee has the role of a clerk. They can create and work on tasks but he cannot control projects.


With guest user, you can include customers, suppliers, partners and external collaborators in your projects. A guest can either get reading rights for projects or give more detailed feedback as an executor in tasks. However, the guest cannot create new tasks.

They receive the reading rights for a project by entering their name in the respective field. To do this, click on the project header in the work breakdown structure and then on “Share” in the upper right corner. Here you can change the access rights.

The user can see the whole project, but cannot edit it. Reading rights allow the guest to see the whole project. In addition, they can contribute to the task and...

  • set comments
  • view, download or attach files.

If they are executor of a task, they can edit and update it. More precisely, they can:

  • tick off checklist items
  • change the task state

Please note:

  • You can change the group permissions of all licensed users in your cloud individually and freely. For example, if you want to upgrade an employee to a manager, you only need to make this change in the settings.
  • You can find an overview of the permission groups within your factro cloud in the form of a PDF document. Click on the (i)-icon, which you will find in the menu item "Users" in the column "Overview".